Andre the Giant Diet

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Andre Drank 127 Beers

In an autobiography by The Fabulous Moolah, she tells a story about Andre drinking 127 beers. He then went on to pass out in a hotel lobby where he had to sleep off the drinking. From his sheer size, no one could move him.

Andre and Vodka

According to

“On another occasion, Andre was touring the Kansas City territory and went out for drinks after a show with Bobby Heenan and several other wrestlers. When the bartender hollered last call, Andre, slightly annoyed, announced that he didn’t care to leave. Rather than risk an altercation with his hulking customer, the bartender told Andre he could stay only if he was drinking, imagining, surely, that he would soon be rid of the big fella. Andre thanked the man, and proceeded to order 40 vodka tonics. He sat there drinking them, one after another, finishing the last at just after five in the morning. “

Andre was in France visiting his ailing father when the call came. He thanked Vince Jr. but said there was no way he could get back in a ring, even though he very much wanted to. Not willing to give up, Vince Jr. flew to France to speak with Andre in person. He took Andre to see doctors specializing in back and knee maladies. Radical back surgery was proposed. If successful, the procedure would lessen Andre’s pain and perhaps make it possible for him to get in the ring for Wrestlemania. If Andre was game, Vince Jr. agreed to pay for the entire cost of the surgery.

The time arrived, and the anesthesiologist was frantic. He had never put a person of Andre’s size under the gas before and had no idea how much to use. Various experts were brought in but no solution presented itself until one of the doctors asked Andre if he was a drinker. Andre responded that, yes, he’d been known to tip a glass from time to time. The doctor then wanted to know how much Andre drank and how much it took to get him drunk.

“Well,” rumbled the Giant, “It usually takes two liters of vodka just to make me feel warm inside.”

16 Bottles of Wine – Drunkard

On one tour, Andre’s Japanese sponsors rewarded him with a case of expensive plum wine. Andre settled down in the back of the bus and started drinking. Four hours later, the bus arrived at the next venue, and Andre was polishing off the last bottle of wine.

Sixteen bottles of wine in four hours is a considerable feat, but it gets better. Andre proceeded straight to the ring and wrestled three matches, including a twenty-man battle royal. The 16 bottles of plum wine had no discernible effect on Andre’s in-ring ability. By the end of the evening, Andre had sweated off the wine and found himself growing cranky. He dispatched Hogan for a few cases of beer. Hogan hurried to do as Andre  asked, knowing from painful experience that a drunken Giant was a happy Giant, and a happy Giant was less likely to fracture some vital part of an opponent’s anatomy in a fit of grumpiness.

12 Steaks and 15 Lobsters

Referee and friend Tim White told WWE, “He didn’t do that often, but if he felt like putting on a show and having some laughs, he’d go ahead and do that.”

7000 calories a day

He weighed close to five hundred pounds and was famous for his immense capacity for alcohol and food–it was once estimated that he consumed 7,000 calories a day in alcohol alone. His phenomenal stature led to a movie role as Fezzik, the gentle giant in Rob Reiner’s 1987 film, The Princess Bride.

156 Beers in one sitting

Andre’s unofficial record is 156 beers in one sittingAs told by Mike Graham and confirmed by Dusty Rhodes. That’s 1,872 ounces, or 14.6 gallons of beer. The average human stomach can typically hold about a liter.

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