Crock Pot Asian Barbecue Skewers


Crock Pot Asian Barbecue Skewers

  • 2 pounds boneless, skinless chicken thighs
  • ½ cup soy sauce
  • ⅓ cup packed brown sugar
  • 2 tbsp sesame oil
  • 3 cloves garlic, minced
  • ½ cup thinly sliced scallions
  • 1 tbsp toasted sesame seeds (optional)
  1. Cut each thigh into 4 pieces about 1.5 inces thick.

  2. Thread chicken onto 7-inch-long wooden skewers, folding thinner pieces if necessary. Place skewers into crock pot, layering as flat as possible

  3. Combine soy sauce, brown sugar, oil and garlic in small bowl. Reserve ⅓ cup sauce, set aside. Pour remaining sauce over skewers.

  4. Cover an cook on LOW for 2 hours.

  5. Turn skewers over and cook 1 hour longer

  6. Transfer skewers to serving platter. Discard cooking liquid. Spoon on reserved sauce and sprinkle with sliced scallions and sesame seeds, if desired.